Langley Music Lessons and Dance Classes

Online / Langley School of Music and Dance

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Private Music Lessons Online

Thursday 8:00pm for 30 min. with Blake J

Blake first studied classical guitar, but as a young teenager discovered the electric guitar. Influenced by Yngwie Malmsteen, Paul Gilbert, Steve Vai and John Petrucci, Blake is one of the Vancouver guitar community’s most respected shred/rock guitarists. Although a lifelong rocker at heart, Blake later revisited his roots as a classical guitar player, studying at Douglas College with Michael Strutt. He expanded his musical horizons at Capilano College, where he studied jazz. Still, rock/metal remains his passion. Blake’s extensive teaching experience and musical knowledge has made him popular with ambitious students, while his easygoing personality appeals to beginners. He is equally at home teaching blistering shred solos or the latest meme song. Above all, Blake’s goal is to help facilitate a lifelong enjoyment of music. Blake is often seen playing around Vancouver with his progressive rock band OmnisighT.

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