Langley Music Lessons and Dance Classes

Online / Langley School of Music and Dance

Register for a Class

We could not find the class/lesson for which you are attempting to register. Please go back and select a dance class or music lesson from our schedule. If you get this error again, please contact us.

Log In

If you've registered someone in your family using this system, log in to continue:

Email address:
Forgot your password?

Create an Account

If you haven't registered using this system start here:

Student You Are Registering

You can register other students under the same account later.

First Name: usually their given name
Last Name: usually their family name
Birth Date: ,
Medical conditions / allergies:

Contact Person (You)

Copy student name
First Name: usually your given name
Last Name: usually your family name
Relation to Student:

Mobile Phone:() -
Home Phone:() -
Work Phone:() - ext.

Email address:
Choose a Password: 8+ digits
Repeat Password:

Family Info

(of the student)

Postal Code:

How did you hear about us?

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